
Company data Orange Babies is registered at the Dutch Trade Register KvK Amsterdam 34110520. The Orange Babies VAT number is: NL 8078.20.684.B01" Disclaimer "

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Privacy statement
You can visit this website without giving us any information about yourself. However there are situations in which we need information about you. We can assure you this information will not be sold or given to third parties. In addition to this you can ask for your data to be removed from our files at any given time.

Exclusion and liability.
No rights can be derived from the information. We are committed to making this webpage as complete and accurate as possible. Orange Babies accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any possible damage as a result of using, incompleteness or inaccuracies of this website.

The information on this website may be subject to changes. We accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of non-availability.

Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights
The copyrights of this website remain with Orange Babies or third parties who consented in making this available to Orange Babies. As a result reproduction is only allowed after consent by Orange Babies.

Use of cookies
In offering its services Orange Babies uses cookies. These are simple, small data files that are saved on the hard drive of your computer. Orange Babies uses temporary cookies. These cookies hold no personal data and are exclusively used to make the use of the Orange Babies sites easier for you. In addition Orange Babies uses a special cookie. Using this cookie our website can recognize you the next time you visit the website. With the help of this cookie the site can be set to fit your interests; an aid to make the use of the site more pleasant for you. If you turned off the use of cookies in your browser you can still visit most parts of the website. At the Orange Babies website you find a number of links to other websites. Orange Babies cannot be held responsible for the way those parties treat your data. For this you must read the privacy statement of the site you visit.